Go Fish
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Mentioned previously, my wife’s company is renovating, including completely replacing cubicle walls and desks. The management has taken the opportunity to ask employees to remove all personal plantlife (like the miniature yellow rose bush I sent Jackie), and any pets, such as fish.

Jackie has/had a beta fish in a small tank on her desk, and has had to bring him home. I don’t want running water in the bedroom (bad chi) which is where we have space. The only good ‘water’ room is the office…

And the only open flat space in the office MY desk.

I don’t like fish, and I don’t like unexpected room-mates. And I don’t like fish, did I mention that?

Fidel (the fish) and I are getting to know one another. Neither of us is impressed. He looks at my with his fishy eyes, fluffing his fancy beta fins, and then turns away, sniffing at my uncouth behavior. (Said behavior being to completely ignore him whenever possible.)

Not exactly love at first glance.

I’d let the cats have him, but I like the fish better than Thomas.

At least the fish is quiet.


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