I’ve been meaning to mention this, but I put it off and Blather beat me to it. (Actually, I was just going to be quoting some OTHER web page who spotted it before me, instead I quote blather because it reminded me. This is what I get for wasting bandwidth ranting about TV ‘psychics’. Captain Oblivious, I told you.) Anyway.
The gov’mint is out of ideas for more ways to fight terrorism, so they are looking for ideas from the general populace.
Unlike most people, I’m not going to make fun of the plan itself; I’ve heard solid, workable security ideas from ‘lay people’. There are smart people out here, and the Pentagon is smart to solicit their ideas.
But… what I wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall of the room where they screen the first round of idea submissions. Can you imagine some of the rejectable stuff that’s going to come in?
The pentagon is missing a golden opportunity to ‘leak’ some of those submissions to Letterman’s Top Ten people.
(Or better yet, to Top10Blog. Hey, that gives me a T10 topic idea.)