I’m not a Rush Limbaugh fan, but I will certainly concede that he is a smart man — too conservative for my tastes, but that just means we disagree on political issues — there’s lots that goes on in life that is wrong or right, regardless of party affiliation. He had this to say regarding the Jerry Falwell’s remarks from a few days back:
For the most part this terrible event has brought out the best in americans… But there are some, unfortunately, in which this disaster has brought out the worst. Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson and the Reverend Jerry Falwell are two such individuals.
…All I can say is I was profoundly embarrassed and disappointed by their comments. They can try to take them back all they want, but the bottom line is that their words are indefensible.
Dave mentioned on his site that Falwell is trying to backpedal, lamely, essentially saying he’s sorry for when he said it, but not that he said it.
First off, regarding Rush, I have to say I admire the man’s convictions, if not always their targets: it takes a lot of guts to say something like this when you know your viewership is shared to a greater or lesser degree with the people he’s scolding. The man says what he thinks is right all the time, regardless of whether I agree with him, regardless of whether his listeners will agree with him, and for that I salute him.
As for Falwell, what do you say? In my mind, the opinions he voiced are no less hateful and destructive than the views and opinions held by the organization that attacked New York and Washington last week; both groups are dangerous to those that are outside their membership, because people listen to these guys.
Imagine the harm they did by saying the things they said to an audience of thousands who will believe them simply because they said it.
(Thanks to Xkot for the original news link.)