People are coming over tonight, so I left work early enough to clean up the house.
How do we go though this many pairs of socks in one week? Or dishes? Or bras? Espcially bras: there is only one bra-using member of the household that I’m aware of, unless the Boy has started a water-balloon campaign against the kids across the street.
Secondly, why do housepets gravitate to things you don’t want them to lay on? In this order: lay on clean clothes and shed, lay on dirty clothes I want to pick up, lay on sheets of paper I want to throw away. Why? What’s the draw?
Jake combines this: he’s pulled a piece of paper onto a pair of pants and a bra that’s on the bed, and is now laying across it all with a look on his face that says “I know you’re going to get me for this, but right now, I’m too swept up in Mysterious Animal Bliss to care.”