Virginia, found via Instapundit, comments “Resilience and basic bravery, not a rush to precaution, are called for. The way ordinary americans can stand up to terrorism is by making sure we retain the right to live normally—and by continuing to value the products of normal life.”
I could not agree more. The Boomer-generation commentators calling for what:00 AMounts to a WW2-level cessation of rights are giving the terrorists what they want: a restriction on the level of freedom found in the U.S., and a change to the culture that they hate.
Reinstate air marshalls on domestict flights, arm the pilots, hell just give the flight attendants Mace. That will do more to combat this sort of act than any sort of increase in Security Checkpoints where the workers make the same:00 AMount as a McDonald’s clerk.
Then, attack the Arab nations with the thing they fear the most: free McDonald’s franchise start-ups will do more to undercut the culture of western hatred in the Middle East than a hundred years of bombing. Send a million copies of the Britney Spears video retrospective to areas known to harbor terrorists. The Taliban would be bobbing its collective head and munching on McNuggets in no time.