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www average-bear

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So how about this annoying meme? (It’s not my fault: lavender kitchen did it first!)

- In CD player: Diablo II expansion set disk.
- In VCR: Fifth and sixth episodes of B5, season 3.
- Music playing: Homie -:00 AMerican Girls, on mp3
- Clothes: Polo shirt (see the post about being Nekkid), and new pair of denim shorts.
- Look around: The lights are off. I type in the dark.
- Channel currently on the TV: The WB. Period.
- Outside: Dark. Cool. Apparently damp. There are crickets.
- Hit re-dial: Rey’s House.
- Say “hello?” out loud: The only person within earshot who’s awake is my dog. If anyone answered me, I’d turn inside out.

I’m such a tool; I feel dirty now — it’s like I just forwarded an inspirational chain letter.

Honestly, the link on memes is more interesting than the crap I just wrote. Then agian, if I could have resisted it, it wouldn’t be a meme. Question is: why is it a meme, which is loosely defined (by me) as ‘some sort of survival trait or behavior that one instinctively adopts’. Maybe there’s a need somewhere in my brain that says “record facts about yourself that are easy to recall so that people remember you when you die.”

Okay, that’s really disturbing.


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